My Journey to Reverse Gray Hair

hormone health open access optimization Dec 04, 2023

Three years ago, when I hit 27, I noticed some sneaky gray hairs showing up. Around that time, I was dealing with MCAS & POTS. I was also strictly vegan. I started thinking, could being super sick, combined with the stress on my body and nutrient deficiencies, be turning my hair gray? It seemed likely. Now, my family history added an interesting twist. Mom went full gray at 20, and Dad joined the gray club in his late thirties. People might say going gray in your late twenties or early thirties is no big deal, but I beg to differ. To me, extensive graying before 40 is premature graying. 

During those tough times, it felt like my body was going through a lot, and my hair was taking the hit. I wondered if being so sick was making me age faster. I was not wrong. 

In the last six months, the graying has hit the brakes, and some of my hair is going back to its original color. This was the reassurance I was looking for – a clear sign that my hair doesn't have to turn gray so soon. Head over to my Instagram highlight for some fantastic evidence! 

In this blog post, I'm excited to spill the beans on how I've been turning back the clock on gray hair. If you've worked with me, you're aware that your looks, including your hair, reflect your health. Keeping that in mind, I've taken a holistic route.

I will categorize what I have done in 4 groups:

  • Testing
  • Lifestyle
  • Drainage - learn more here
  • Nervous system regulation - learn more here



To tailor my approach just right, I've delved into some nifty tests:

  • Blood work - Comprehensive blood work is a total game-changer, especially when you look at it from a functional standpoint. Plus, it won't break the bank if your primary care physician (PCP) is on board. While the usual panels like CBC & CMP, lipid panel, and thyroid panel are essential, it's worth considering a more in-depth analysis of nutrients: 
    • Vitamin D: 50-90 ng/ml is what I expect to see during the spring & summer months when you’re sunbathing and increasing your vitamin D storage. This can be lower in the winter months. 
    • Vitamin B12 & Folate: 545-1100 pg/ml and 15-27 ng/ml respectively
    • Magnesium: 2.2-2.5 mg/dl. Keep in mind that a normal value does not rule out magnesium deficiency. To confirm, I recommend checking Magnesium RBC too. 
    • Iron: 85-130 mcg/dl. To learn more about iron anemia and anemia of chronic disease check out this premium blog. Anemia of chronic disease is very common but is not treated with iron supplementation. 
    • Zinc: 99-130 mcg/dl
    • Selenium: 70-121 mcg/L
    • Iodine: 52-80 mcg/L
    • Copper: 90-150 mcg/dl
    • Ceruloplasmin: 18-21 mg/dl

I had to give some extra TLC to my folate, zinc, magnesium, and retinol levels. Folate didn't shock me – blame it on my MTHFR quirks (just kidding! I definitely wasn’t eating much leafy greens either). The low retinol raised an eyebrow too, given its job in helping the thyroid grab iodine for hormone-making. No big shocker there, considering my thyroid hormones were a bit on the low side. 

  • 3x4 Genetics
    • Two years ago, I took the 3x4 Genetics test as a savvy tool to fine-tune my diet. What I uncovered was a bit surprising – my genes weren't vibing with a vegan lifestyle. Turns out, to keep my choline levels in check (you'll catch me showcasing my daily egg routine on IG stories!), I needed to welcome eggs into my daily eats. I learned about my detox capabilities, the best foods and lifestyle for me. This genetic insight has been one of the smartest moves for my well-being. If you're dead serious about your health and slowing down aging, I wholeheartedly recommend considering this test – it's an investment that pays off big time! 
  • DUTCH (code pxi100) 
    • Slowing down aging is tough if our hormones are out of whack. In April 2023, a year after ditching birth control, I did my first DUTCH test. The results? My morning cortisol was a bit high, shouting stress (blame it on my previous low-carb stint). Estrogen was good, but progesterone needed a boost to dodge estrogen dominance. Because of being very strict with my circadian rhythm & light environment, my melatonin was great - which I rarely see with my clients. Melatonin is a major antioxidant that can counteract the aging process - however - you need to optimize your own endogenous synthesis without relying on supplementation. Due to these findings, I upped my carb intake to a minimum of 130g daily and threw in l-carnitine for ovulation support. Plus, vitex came to the rescue to balance out the estrogen/progesterone duo.


Feminine Energy

Following my time in Costa Rica in June 2023, where I embraced a slower pace and connected with the locals, it hit me – I'd been stuck in a go-getter, super-masculine energy for most of my life. So, I decided to shake things up by diving into my feminine side. I started taking it easy, resting more, being more vulnerable, and adding a dash of spontaneity. I even dared myself to rock dresses and skirts all summer. The result? A significant boost in connecting with my feminine energy. 


Embracing the go-getter vibe brought along a TON of stress. I was constantly hustling, loading up my plate beyond capacity, and pretty much stuck in a sympathetic state. Then came September, and another trip to Europe drove home the need to seriously dial down the stress. So, I made a heartfelt promise to myself – less work, more focus on well-being. I started embracing the art of "chilling and doing nothing," or as the Italians beautifully put it, "dolce far niente." You might have noticed my extended break on Instagram over the summer and early fall. Interestingly, it was during this period that I began to notice some of my hair strands reverting to their natural color. The lack of surprise on my end? Stress happens to be the number one culprit behind premature graying.


Cleansing the Body

By now, you're likely well aware of the critical role drainage plays in our overall health. Functioning as the body's sewage system, it's tasked with removing harmful elements that hinder the healing process. Persistent illness can often be linked to impaired drainage. Personally, I've been diligently addressing my drainage pathways since 2021, with a keen focus on supporting my vulnerable areas – the liver, gallbladder, and colon.

Following a comprehensive parasite cleanse in 2022, I successfully reversed chronic IBS and restored regular, healthy bowel movements. Yet, my commitment to supporting the liver and gallbladder persists, with daily doses of TUDCA. It's become a non-negotiable part of my routine, complementing the other elements of my healthy lifestyle – prioritizing quality sleep, regular movement, and a personalized whole foods diet.

In my pursuit of reversing premature graying, I've upped my TUDCA intake to 2 capsules twice a day. However, it's worth noting that even as little as 1 capsule can offer substantial benefits in liver regeneration. Stay tuned for more details in an upcoming premium blog post on how to dose TUDCA correctly for different ailments. 


Balancing, optimizing, and slowing down aging requires addressing the nervous system. Towards the end of 2022, I committed to weekly cellular release therapy for six months, and the impact was life-changing! Despite this positive shift, some lingering anxiety and dissociation symptoms persisted from my struggles with MCAS & POTS. After deep exploration this summer, I realized I had been in a constant state of freeze for most of my life, exacerbated during my battle with chronic illness.

Over the past two and a half months, I've dedicated myself to regulating my nervous system, and I can confidently say it's been a transformative journey. If you're curious about the role of nervous system dysregulation in chronic illness, I've touched upon it here and plan to delve into more details in an upcoming blog post. Stay tuned!


So, here's the deal – turning back the clock on premature grays is essentially about slowing down aging, and trust me, that's a game-changer for everyone. No magic pills here; it's an all-encompassing approach. But guess what? It's totally doable, and I'm living proof of it. Lately, a bunch of my female clients have been curious about my routine, and I've been tailoring their plans to help them slow down aging and reverse premature graying. It's seriously thrilling to guide these amazing women, showing them tools they can use to feel beautiful inside and out – for the long haul 🌸

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