Drainage 101
Jan 05, 2022As a root cause practitioner, I dig deep to uncover underlying imbalances in the body. Finding and addressing imbalances is a complex process that often requires numerous phases. Optimizing drainage pathways is a great place to start when addressing any type of imbalance in the body especially if you've been dealing with chronic symptoms. When I talk about drainage and detox, my clients are frequently perplexed. They are familiar with the term "detox," though they may not fully comprehend what it implies, but they are generally unfamiliar with the term "drainage."
Assess your Drainage Pathways here: The Drainage Pathways Assessment Form
Drainage is the first and most crucial step in any detoxification process. Drainage must come first, regardless of what you're attempting to get rid of in your body: candida, bacteria, parasites, mold, heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, retroviruses, and so on. When done correctly, drainage sets you up for success and a smoother detoxification experience.
Have you ever heard someone say, "I've been feeling worse since I started detoxing, therefore it must be working, right?"
WRONG! There's a delicate balance between the toxins you're releasing from your cells and tissues and how quickly your body can eliminate them. When someone starts to feel worse during detox, it's because the toxins that have been released from tissues and cells have started to recirculate in their bodies. This indicates a problem with drainage.
Many people will tell you that you don't need to detox. That it is something your liver takes care of for you. And, while I agree that the liver is our primary detox organ, it is naive to believe that our livers and other organs are operating at peak performance when we are constantly inundated with toxic chemicals.
So, what exactly is drainage?
The term "drainage" refers to the pathways in your body that are utilized to get rid of toxins. These include the colon, kidneys, liver, bile ducts, lungs, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the glymphatic system (the lymphatic system of the brain), and skin, the uterus (for women), and mitochondria or cells. The purpose of drainage is to optimize these existing pathways. The colon is the most crucial of them all because if it backs up (constipation), everything upstream backs up as well. This signifies that toxins are building up in your organs, tissues, and cells. Hence, you should begin your drainage by supporting your colon first.
I use a combination of supplements when creating drainage protocols for my clients that target the colon, such as:
- Magnesium Citrate (code PAOLA) works as a laxative.
- Whole Food Source Vitamin C (code PAOLA) serves as a laxative and is a powerful antioxidant. Note: this is a game-change during times of cold & flu.
- Prokinetics, such as Bowel Mover or MotilPro to promote optimal peristalsis, or colon contractions.
- A good probiotic ensures that you maintain a healthy microbial balance which in turn supports healthy bowels. Keep in mind that using probiotics long-term is not a solution as your microbiome naturally changes with the seasons and lifestyle.
- Enemas support colon cleansing. These could be water, chamomile, or coffee enemas.
- Macro & trace minerals optimize all drainage pathways. These are a daily must for me! You can get them through supplementation and foods. Two of my favorites are:
It's critical to stay hydrated and active when targeting the colon to encourage regular bowel movement. I also find Castor Oil Packs helpful.
Feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Join Root Cause Detox, where I share everything you need to build effective drainage protocols and more.
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