Documented Parasite Cases & My Story
Aug 08, 2023I'm always excited to share my experience with parasite cleansing because it stands as one of the primary breakthroughs during my battle with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome three years ago. Before delving into the details of my personal experience, I'd like to share some documented parasite cases that may surprise you.
CASE 1: This woman underwent an extensive medical procedure, involving the removal of her gallbladder, approximately two-thirds of her liver, excision of several lung nodules, and even a scraping of her diaphragm. Astonishingly, it wasn't until several days had passed that the diagnostic tests unveiled the truth: what had been initially labeled as a "tumor" turned out to be a parasite. This makes you think, how many benign cancers could be parasitic in nature...
CASE 2: This is a case of pinworms that caused endometriosis-like symptoms after traveling to the genital tract and peritoneal cavity.
CASE 3: Parasites can live anywhere in the body. They come in all shapes and sizes. Parasites have the ability to move and travel through tissues. In this case, they were living under this woman's skin.
CASE 4: This was a case of severe anemia due to parasites. Anemia is one of the most common symptoms of parasites and it can continue even with supplementation. Notably, chronic deficiencies in vital nutrients like B12 and iron frequently manifest as a result of a parasitic infection.
These documented cases highlight the frequent occurrence of untreated parasites, which later result in misdiagnosed symptoms. The fundamental reason behind this is that, unless you have a full-blown parasitic infection, Western medicine does not recognize parasites as a concern. This is not to say that everyone is having symptoms due to parasites, but that they should not be overlooked especially if previous treatments have failed.
At the end of 2019, I got really sick, and that's when my health journey started. Within just a month, my health took a nosedive, and I began dealing with what appeared to be a mysterious illness. It felt mysterious because my symptoms were strange and never-ending, yet every doctor I saw assured me that I was in good health. I was experiencing the following symptoms almost on a daily basis:
- Weakness, I had to constantly lay down
- Insomnia, having trouble falling and staying asleep
- New food sensitivities that restricted my diet to just five types of food
- Flushing of the face, neck, and chest after eating
- Random nausea
- Chemical sensitivities especially to scents
- GERD and painful gastritis
- Abdominal pain and extreme bloating
- Constipation
- Muscle and joint pain
- Extreme brain fog
- Chronic anxiety that was triggered out of nowhere
- Panic attacks that sent me to the ER on two occasions, convinced that I was dying
- Depersonalization, feeling that I was detached from my body (this was the scariest!)
- Chronic air hunger which at times felt like an asthma attack
- POTS-like symptoms and lightheadedness
- Vertigo especially while laying down
- A rocking sensation that I would feel especially while sitting down
- Rapid heart rate
- Severe heart palpitations that felt like skipped beats
- Ringing in the ears
- Feeling cold regardless of the weather and particularly after meals
It was like a never-ending nightmare, and it felt like nobody could figure out what was happening to me. I felt alone. I went through numerous tests – both conventional and functional. I even worked with a functional medicine doctor for four months, and while my symptoms improved during that time, they came back even stronger within a month after working with him. It was at this time that I realized that I had to take matters into my own hands. And it was at this time that I realized that all the protocols I did with the functional medicine doctor were simply a bandaid (using supplements instead of prescription medication). They never really tackled the underlying issues. I invested a lot of time and money in consultations, supplements, and tests, only to end up right where I began. It was frustrating, to say the least, but a side of me was still hopeful that I was going to figure this out.
I delved into extensive research and became a certified holistic nutritionist. During the program, I learned about the benefits of a plant-based diet. I had been vegetarian for over 5 years before this, and so decided to go on a strict vegan diet for over a year, but it worsened my symptoms. Scared, I reverted to eating meat again and focused on addressing candida, mold, and SIBO over six months. While my energy levels greatly improved, brain fog was lifted and I was able to use the bathroom daily, the other issues persisted. It was like an ongoing puzzle until one day I stumbled upon an Instagram post discussing Parasites and the Cellcore protocols. Initially, I thought it might be a scam. I couldn't believe this was possible. Still, I convinced myself that since I had already spent so much time trying other things, it was worth giving it a shot.
I signed up to become a Cellcore practitioner, which let me understand their protocols and how to use the supplements correctly. I began by using Para 1 alone, and within just 10 days, I passed my first parasite. It was a very long roundworm! I will never forget that day, I was so amazed and anxious that I shared the experience on my Instagram stories.
Right then, I realized I was really onto something. I stuck with the parasite cleansing for 8 months because my symptoms continued to improve. Throughout that period, I passed parasites every single day. When this intensive cleanse was complete, I felt like an entirely different person. Every single one of my symptoms had gone away, except for a bit of lingering anxiety. I was absolutely astonished, to say the least. Following the cleanse, I did two more protocols targeting Lyme coinfections and heavy metals. Remarkably, my anxiety decreased by a whopping 90%. I had cracked the code this time and just couldn't believe it. Since then, I've worked with many people who needed or wanted to do a comprehensive parasite cleanse. Better digestion, increased energy levels, and improved sleep are the most frequently observed benefits of parasite cleansing. Although I've documented many pictures in my Parasite highlight on Instagram, here are a few more that my premium members have shared this year:
The picture shows mature and immature liver flukes. Mature liver flukes come from the biliary tract while immature ones come from the small intestine.
The picture shows a roundworm wrapped in biofilms.
Another roundworm wrapped in biofilm. Roundworms are the most common parasites that people pass. They vary in size and color, but they all look smooth like spaghetti when cleaned up.
The purpose of this blog post is to demonstrate what's possible. Not every symptom is due to parasites, but parasites should never be overlooked.Thinking of doing a parasite cleanse? I teach you how to do it effectively in Root Cause Detox.
See you on the other side!
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