Bristol Stool Chart Analysis
- Type 1-3 are considered constipation, with Type 3 being slightly constipated. Some common causes of chronic constipation include:
- Not eating enough
- Not having a meal schedule
- Sludgy bile
- Snacking
- Not getting enough potassium & sodium
- Chronic stress & vagus nerve dysfunction
- Mouth breathing, shallow breathing
- Disrupted sleep, poor sleep
- Underlying dysbiosis, etc.
- Type 4 is considered healthy.
- Type 5-7 are considered diarrhea. Some common causes of chronic diarrhea include:
- Underlying dysbisois
- Malabsorption, including conditions like Celiac
- Enzyme insufficiency
- Too much magnesium either through diet or supplementation
- Environmental toxins & viruses
- Thyroid imbalances, etc.
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