Blue Light is Aging You Faster!

circadian biology open access optimization Jul 18, 2024

Blue light is aging you faster! - This is a fascinating topic!

Blue light, emitted from various digital screens, has been found to trigger oxidative stress in our skin cells. This stress persists during exposure, especially at higher levels. Interestingly, while blue light induces this stress, other wavelengths like green, red, and infrared do not have the same effect on the mitochondria within our skin cells.

During exposure to blue light, our master antioxidant, glutathione, undergoes oxidation. In healthy cells, glutathione predominantly exists in its reduced form (GSH), while its oxidized form (GSSG) remains at very low concentrations. (Hint: improving redox homeostasis in our body is key🔑)

Moreover, blue light exposure diminishes the natural autofluorescence of the skin, particularly affecting flavin molecules. These molecules are vital for numerous chemical reactions in our bodies, including controlling programmed cell death, detoxifying harmful substances, regulating biological clocks, and repairing damaged DNA.

The oxidative stress induced by blue light not only accelerates skin aging but also heightens the risk of DNA damage, thus increasing the likelihood of cancer. Are we inadvertently raising our risk of skin cancer with prolonged exposure to blue light?

If you're concerned about your blue light exposure, you're not alone. Here's a list of common devices that emit blue light:

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Computers (laptops and desktops)
  • LED TVs
  • Gaming consoles
  • LED light bulbs
  • Digital clocks and alarm clocks with LED displays
  • Handheld gaming devices
  • E-readers
  • Fluorescent lights

Taking proactive steps to reduce our exposure to blue light is so important for both a healthy skin and minimizing the risk of cancer!

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